Professional Credentials
As you consider in-home health care providers, you’ll discover that very few have attained the industry’s most important accreditations. There’s a reason why — they’re tough to earn. Accreditation requires a rigorous peer review process and proof that programs and services are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality. We’re proud to have earned accreditation from both CHAP and CARF International because we’ve always believed that in-home care should meet or exceed the exceptional quality standards those organizations demand and that our patients deserve.
CARF was founded in 1966 as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Organizations that receive accreditation from CARF have undergone a rigorous peer review process and demonstrated their commitment to programs and services that are measurable, accountable and of the highest quality.
HealthCall is internationally CARF accredited for the following programs and services: Home and Community Services (Adults), Home and Community Services (Children and Adolescents), and Behavioral Consultation Services (Autism Spectrum Disorder – Children and Adolescents)
Accreditation by CHAP, the Community Health Accreditation Program, demonstrates that HealthCall meets the industry’s highest nationally recognized standards. CHAP evaluation focuses on structure and function, quality of services and products, human and financial resources, and long term viability.
Experience and Quality Standards
Something else that sets HealthCall apart is the number of years we’ve been in business successfully providing comprehensive in-home health care. We provide ongoing skill assessments, continuing education and training for clinical team members. Thorough background checks are conducted on prospective employees and they’re given skill and competency tests as well.
We’re especially proud of our respiratory program which ensures the highest degree of in-home clinical care for persons who depend on a ventilator. HealthCall provides the Adult and Pediatric Respiratory Assessment and Management Course to our RNs and LPNs at no cost.
Availability of Care
HealthCall care begins when we travel to a patient’s home or medical facility to meet with them and their family. There is no cost for this initial assessment. Staff members are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and we have backup plans in place should a scheduling problem occur. Members of our staff, including a registered nurse, are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help with any concerns or emergencies.